Once arriving at Fort Joy, he stands next to the very first waypoint you discover on the shore. In the ship to Fort Joy at the beginning of the game, he stands in the lower decks immediately after walking out from the starting room. The Cheat Commander takes the form of a well-dressed elf who will help you cheat when spoken to. Add character tags, including hero and villain

Add extra attribute and talent points beyond your current level

Create every skillbook for any skill type (including combination books) Spawn items such as lockpicks, runes or purging wands Generate full sets of legendary gear for your current character level If you want to use the Cheat Commander with the definitive edition of the game, check out its mod page over on the definitive edition section of the nexus! Anything you add to or modify on your characters will remain even after disabling the mod! Want to level up to 30 and deck yourself out in epic gear while still on the boat to Fort Joy? No problem. This mod is made to be easily enabled and disabled at any point during the campaign. Wanting to try out a new build you’re not sure will work without putting 15 hours into it? Looking to speed through the game quickly to gather info for wiki documentation? Simply like to cheat and have everything at your disposal? The Cheat Commander allows simple and fast character levelling, equipment generation, skillbook acquisition, gold providing and more, at any stage in the main campaign!